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在工商管理学院汪忠副教授的指导下,三名来自ITCIE(国际创新与创业训练营)的外国学生将实践课程的项目的主题设计为“携手让福利院儿童绽放笑容”的公益创业活动。2017年11月至12月,三名外国留学生在学院辅导员陈晓平老师以及EMBA学员王雪峰的支持与帮助下先后开展了 “百元公益外教口语课”等活动,陌生的国家、艰难的语言沟通、复杂的多方协调没有挫伤三位学生的创业热情和公益善心,最后他们一共募得爱心款项1870元。



UYANGATUUL Sainkhuu(中文名:欧阳歌,蒙古):I am so inspired to help disabled Children who is coming to live in the world as unfair fate. We actually don’t earn much what we expected before. But we tried our best and carried out the whole project. Finally, we could see the result with donation reaching our goal.

Nissankara Rajasekhar(中文名:波比,印度):The most thing that inspired me a lot is discouragement from the people--for example, when we go and explain about our project they will say nice but when we ask help they will say no and show us rules and policy I think that leads me to take this project further and I want to show them by action not by words finally I am showing this society who am I and where I came from.

Kintana PHIMMAVONG(中文名:金佩珊,老挝):I never imagined that I can do some charity in a foreign country by our own, but it turned out we had a great team, and we received lots of supports from others as well. What we can offer is not much, but we feel fulfillment and satisfied when we received the gratitude from the staffs of Warfare House and we saw smiles of the children. I think this project gives me power to keep what I am doing.

(国际中心 洪瑶)